Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Universal Light

My friend Kitty, the shamanista http://www.poetkitty.com/, is writing about the pain associated with duality, or I should say the pain we make for ourselves by struggling with the observation of two seemingly conflicting selves. This isn't meant to be a critique--I'm there baby. Full on. In fact, I could teach a course called How to Be Your Own Worst Enemy While Crying in Your Corn Flakes and Not Even be Able to Get a Role Like Richard Dreyfus In a Similar Dynamic with His Cherished Mashed Potatoes. Phew, there's a best seller waiting to be brokered--any takers?

Back to the strange world of physics. She wanted more about "potential." So let me see what the muse has for us...don't forget, the other night I woke up with this. Now I'm just avoiding work. No guarantees.

Well the physics folks would have us understand that this strange phenomena of wave vs. particle happens as a result of an event, which is the element being observed. When it is unobserved it is either a wave or particle, but when it is observed it switches. So they can't call it a wave or a particle, so they call it POTENTIAL.

It got me thinking about ourselves, specifically ourselves in the context of mind. Remember--huge distinction between mind and brain. Brain is matter. A machine. A living, pulsating complicated machine, but machine no less. I know that machine is not the best word for it but I like it better than computer. I don't know why. Anyway, my usual bad habit of digressing...

Lately the idea of observed and observer has been sort of front and center for me. What I really love is when I can get in that state of losing one part of myself to the other. What I mean is like in the Donovan song, First there is a Mountain. Then there is no Mountain. Then there IS!

So at first we are separate from the mountain. We observe it as separate from ourselves. It being observed and us as observer. Then there is no mountain. We become the observed!--we've merged. We escaped duality and are one. No separation. Then the tricky part--There IS!, which is way out there. A state of being ONE as the observed but also seeing the even more complete view by "observing" with a higher aptitude, as God ourselves, if you will.

This isn't as simple as just an analysis of matter and mind. Naturally we all quickly grasp that distinction. But mind AS matter and as NON matter, i.e. as everything, with no glue needed because there are no parts requiring to be connected. They were never disconnected. Except in our primitive and meager ability (or non ability) to see clearly.

But what exists is this potential. And what a cool thing to think that we are actually ONLY potential, in our real state. Because in our real authentic selves, there is nothing separate to observe us as separate (except by our small selves). So this potential must be this universal and infinite light (Love?).

Right now I want Rumi. The little boy with his blanky declares--I want my Rumi.

This will even be better than a Rumi line if you connect with me right now and feel this adoration I have for the feeling Rumi gives us. We'll share it--RIGHT NOW, in this moment as you read this. Let it "jump" from this blog and turn in to this spinning, vibrating energy from my heart to yours. Pure Potential! Remember where, and mysteriously in what way, Rumi touched you, and reclaim that now as our blessed connection.


If you, by some freak of nature, are reading this and you haven't had a Rumi experience--go find him. His teacher runs circles around Einstein. Here's a twist--You are Rumi's teacher, as pure potential.

No Strings Attached.

1 comment:

  1. Darling. My god. I'm whirling.

    Just last night I had a huge conversation with Boyfriend, and we brought up one of our favorite analogies - Mountains. No Mountains. Mountains. It's as if we were discussing your blog post exactly. The only missing - Potential. Yes, that's is us. In every moment. Perfectly, perfectly expressed.

    I wish you'd whirl yourself right over to these parts for coffee. Yee gawds would you vibe with our crazy enlightenment group. What a gem you are :)
